Friday, May 7, 2010


Okay, so here's the low down on me being a Gemini. From what i have researched, Gemini's are clever, adaptable, energetic, and witty. They also are supposedly Superficial, Impulsive, Restless, Devious, and Indecisive. I believe my personality is very alike that of "gemini's" and in other ways, very different. First of all, i am not very adaptable. I usually have to make my environment adapt to me. I can be witty sometimes i guess, but generally, i take forever to whip out a comeback. I am often impulsive, and full of energy, as you very well know! Along with energetic, i am pretty restless and cant stay still for very long. On the other hand, i am not usually very devious, or indecisive. I usually can make my decisions very quickly, and stick to them till the end, if possible.

1 comment:

  1. it is kind of weird that these could somewhat be true about peoples personalities but i think of it more of just luck that it occurs like that.
